Flower house wall with logo

Flower shop identity and e-shop

Visual Design | Digital Marketing

All-inclusive graphics solution for the newly-opened flower shop in Kežmarok. The presentation website was later upgraded to a full e-shop.
Full delivery
Sep 21 - present
Man hours
approx. 150+


Denis Suchý
Denis Suchý
Patrik Benyak
Patrik Benyak
Pavol Halás
Pavol Halás


Adobe | WordPress | WooCommerce

visual identity


Our client decided to open a new flower shop in the region. He reached out to us with a request to help create a logo. After the first meeting, it was clear he had an exact vision and goals. The logo was to represent touch, emotion, love for flowers and intricate work florists put in every day. Usually, we would go for a much simpler logo but for this project, we've chosen a more decorative style, which encompasses the values of the company Kvetinový dom (Flower House).

Storefront of the flower shop

visual identity

propagation materials

Based on successful cooperation while working on the logo, we continued to work on a complex visual identity. Like every other local business, they needed a shop sign and storefront banner. We followed with business cards, stickers, and gift cards all the way through leaflets and billboards.

Business cards
Gift cards


from presentation to e-shop

Website in this age is one of the cornerstones of presentation of every business. After a thorough conversation, we recommended our client start building their online presence with a simple WordPress website using a ready-made template. That is a good way for a new project, not knowing ROI. Hours of work setting everything up, designing, and deploying followed.

Everyone was so happy with the results so the upgrade to e-shop followed shortly. After not even half a year, at the request of the customer, we extended the website to a full e-shop using the WooCommerce plugin.

The launched e-shop is already receiving first orders and it leaves us to wish them successful business and many satisfied customers.

Website shown on a desktop
Website shown on a mobile


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